Saturday, May 19, 2012

Style item of the week

I'm back again with pictures from my styling assignment for this week! This week it's all about the stylish MAN :) The item I styled is the seersucker striped woven shirt. It comes in a blue and a green option. It's easy to dress up or down for those fashion mavericks out there.
Tune in next week for the new styling item of the week! Featured model is Donovan Beneties.
I aslo wanted to share with  you guys my newest window creation for my  store. Normally when we update our windows, we get a directive from corporate and I get to pick out a few looks of my own. This week, just for the Vegas market, we created an all white window to promote the "White parties" that go on Memorial Day weekend in Las Vegas. And guess who got to pick out all the looks?....ME!

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