Friday, April 20, 2012

Fashion Maverick

             I am proud to say this is my very first blog! So to describe myself, I would say I eat, breathe, and sleep fashion. I used to design and make clothes almost every day of my life. Now, that dream is a distant memory. I am very passionate about my job, which has everything to do with fashion...but I think it's time for me to open up the design gates I've kept closed for so long. I'm going to start slow, with a collection of summer dresses for myself :) I found this series of fabrics in all different colors and I fell in love!
I will continue to post my progress on the collection. I'm going to start with the teal fabric on the left...a maxi dress. Wish me luck! I hope I still got it! LOL

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to see how everything turns out!! And I'm so happy you're getting back into designing again :)
