Wednesday, April 18, 2012


This morning I overslept and was rushing to get in the shower. I heard gentle raindrops outside my window and thought oh great rain, rush hour traffic and waking up late. I opened the blinds on the bathroom window and to my surprise and delight was the most perfect rainbow. You know the kind where all the colors are super vivid and it fills the sky. I could see from one end to the other!

I ran and got my camera trying to capture this elusive treat from Mother Nature. Of course in the 3 minutes it took to find my camera the colors were already fading and you can't really capture a rainbow.  If I hadn't woke up late I would have missed it all together because I would have been in the shower.

Sometimes in our quest to do it all and be all - we miss or forget the simple beauty of a rainbow!

1 comment:

  1. I love your last quote and couldn't agree more! I was at my anniversary dinner the other night and was trying to "check in" on Facebook and attach a photo. I spent 20 mins trying to figure it out, which I never did, instead of enjoying my time with Danny. It's easy how we can lose ourselves to technology.
