Saturday, April 14, 2012

I Scream for (Low-Cal) Ice Cream!

I must say holidays can sometimes be a blessing and a curse. For obvious reasons, holidays are wonderful because they provide a reason for everyone to come together (not that we ever need a motive to be social). People are generally in high spirits and its fun to celebrate the seasons with loved ones and friends. Holidays give us something to plan for and look forward to. On the other hand, they tend to contradict every regiment I try to stick to as far as a diet goes. 

So, in attempts to curb the amount of naughtiness this last weekend was sure to bring, I quickly volunteered to bring dessert!! I recently came across an intriguing recipe on called "Too-Cool Key Lime Sandwiches." She had me at Key Lime, a particular favorite in my family. Further investigation proved they were fairly easy to make using four simple ingredients and ringing in at only 128 calories per sandwich. My kind of recipe!

As usual, I had a most helpful sous chef/taste tester in the kitchen with me that morning...

My ice cream sandwiches didn't turn out quite as beautiful as the recipe's photo, but they were certainly tasty nonetheless. I think next time I will wait until Porter is sleeping as timing was everything with this recipe. I'm excited to play with the stir-ins this summer...maybe fresh strawberries in place of lime and chocolate graham crackers instead of cinnamon. Sounds good to me!

1 comment:

  1. I was watching the Sandwich King, winner of the Next Food Network Star, and he made an amazing ice cream sandwich. You should google it, but it had homemade cookies with chocolate chips and nuts with a praline (I think) icecream in the middle. He added chocolate and carmel sauce inside and rolled the edges in chocolate sprinkles! YUM
